If you are purchasing for a tax exempt organization, please register for an account & Contact Me after registering and attach a copy of the tax-exempt certificate. Your account will be updated within 24 hours allowing you to complete the checkout process.
In stock products ship in 1-2 business days. On the product page after selecting color, size or other options, please note the ‘availability’ of the item will indicate whether the item is in stock or back-ordered.
if you place a back-ordered item in your cart with other in-stock items, your order will ship when all items are in stock. We will keep you informed of any products that you have ordered that are out-of-stock and unavailable for immediate shipment. You may cancel your order at any time prior to shipping.
these items are not made until your order is placed. The lead time required depends on the number of items ordered. Please Contact Me prior to ordering if you need an estimate of the ship date. Please include the numbers, sizes, & colors of items in the email so I can provide a time estimate.
If Key Largo Pickup is selected at checkout, you will not be charged for shipping & will need to Contact Me to setup a time to pickup you items. Pickup times are fairly flexible but may be limited to after 5pm on weekdays or 9am to 9pm on weekends depending on my schedule.
If you are looking for custom sizes or colors or designs that are not offered please Contact Me BEFORE ORDERING with the specifications.
We will gladly accept the return of products that are defective due to defects in manufacturing and/or workmanship. Fulfillment mistakes that may be made which result in the shipment of incorrect products to you will also be accepted for return.